Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Beginning

So I have toyed with starting a blog for a long time now and I guess enough wine and thoughts swirling around in my head have finally driven me to start one.  (Holy run on sentence)  I am sitting in NYC currently in my hotel room listening to my music... finally!! 

My thought for the night as I sat outside having my smoke I watched as people came in and out... I wondered to myself, "What is their story??"  I have found in my short years if you give a person enough room to talk they will tell you everything, it has become a joke among my peers even. People will tell me their whole life story and I don't even have to ask, and you know what I actually love it; it makes me feel connected.  Crazy enough everyone has a story to tell and if you give them an inch they will spill it all into a mile.  

I guess I should also say with this first post, I am not a writer, I write what pops in my head.  This will hopefully be an outlet for me and maybe someone will find it interesting as well.